Cosmetic Injections in Lethbridge, Alberta
As you know, here at Lethbridge Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics, we are committed to sharing helpful information to provide more awareness around cosmetic injections. We share this information on our blog, website, and Facebook and Instagram.
There is, without a doubt, a need for an ongoing (if not strengthened role) for medical boards and the government in regulating professional conduct. What we are currently seeing in the injectable industry is concerning.
We will share everything that we’ve learned from our experiences over the years at our plastic surgery and medical spa office in southern Alberta, in hopes that you can learn too!
Aesthetic medicine is not 1 + 1 = 2. There are SO many variables and medicine is never an exact science.
If you are considering filler, Dr. Secretan will discuss realistic and attainable expectations prior to receiving treatment.
Restoring natural facial contours and providing our patients with safe, normal looking injectable treatments is our priority.
Featured here is the before and after result of dermal filler used to improve the appearance of nasolabial folds.
It’s important to remember that fillers and botulinum toxin cannot “cure” marital infidelity, existential crises, or family dysfunction. However, they CAN and have demonstrated measurable and meaningful improvements in the emotional and functional status of patients, like the results featured here. Restoring natural facial contours and providing our patients with normal looking injectable treatments is of the utmost importance.